Monday 24 December 2007

Jeff Bezos and Florence Seriki, and Omatek

By Augustine Togonu-Bickersteth.Email Jeff Bezos and Florence Seriki were both born in1964,both of them are engineers, Bezos started and Florence Seriki founder of Omatek Computers is known as the Amazon of our time. Bezos studied at the princeton University and Florence Seriki at the University of Ife . Princeton and Unife have some interesting things in common.Woodrow wilson a lawyer,was President of princeton,Governor of New Jersey and President of the United states Whereas Obafemi Awolowo a lawyer, was pro-Chancellor of Unife ,premier of western Nigeria to be described as the best President Nigeria never had. Wilson had his fourteen point plan and Awolowo had his fourteen point programme. Bezos and Seriki both worked in Financial instituitions and they both started small Bezos in a garage and Seriki in a one bedroom apartment.